#7billionliters of Science Magic

A few weeks ago Proctor & Gamble asked me if I would like to try the water purification kit they use to make dirty water into clean water for kid's who need it. P&G has been providing clean water to kids and they recently hit the milestone of providing their seven billionth liter of clean water. To celebrate, they are donating an additional liter until the end of April 22 every time someone uses the hashtag #7billionliters on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. 

Since I'm partial to kids, clean water and hashtags, I said yes.

And then the kit didn't come.

I live in the sticks and couriers and postal systems they hate me. No one can ever find where I live and I'm half convinced they quit trying and just toss my parcels into the bush. 

I had about given up all hope of getting my hands on this water cleaning kit when all the UPS man pulled into my yard yesterday afternoon. I don't know who was more excited: me getting the package or my dog getting to bark at the UPS man.

(Dear courier deliverers everywhere, I'm sorry my dog sounds like a hound from hell. I swear he's just happy to see you. He just wants to lick you. To death.)

So this is how my kids and I did the one thing I have been telling them not to do since we moved to this property almost 15 years ago: We drank the dirty slough water. The slough water where the beavers live, the ducks swim in, the moose walk through and the geese zealously protect.

And it tasted...like water. Fresh tasty water with no hints of beaver pee, or duck poop or parasite poison. Just clean water.

It was pretty cool.   

So go forth and hashtag it up using #7billionliters on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram because clean water is the best magic in the world. 

A big thank you to P&G for this experience and for sponsoring this post.